版本: 2.1.1


本教程将指导您创建一个包含刚度和阻尼的基本触觉模拟,模拟与球体等静态物体接触的物理特性。 本教程结束时,您将获得一个模拟,可以感受球体的存在,并调整其硬度和阻尼属性,获得不同的触觉体验。


本教程的核心挑战是开发一个函数,能够计算与具有刚度阻尼的球体接触时产生的力。 在这种情况下,刚度的作用就像弹簧一样,越压缩产生的力越大。 而阻尼则代表物体的运动阻力,移动速度越快,阻力越大。


首先,按照以下步骤设置触觉装备 快速入门指南确保 触觉起源的位置、旋转和缩放设置为 (0, 0, 0)(1, 1, 1) 分别是

然后,创建一个名为 Sphere 具有以下特性

  • 职位: (0, 0, -0.1) (设备前方约 10 厘米处)。
  • 规模: (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) (相当于一个直径 20 厘米的球体)


添加一个新的 C# 脚本到 球体 名为 SphereForceFeedback.cs. 该脚本将计算Inverse3 光标与球体接触时所受的力,同时考虑到刚度和阻尼。 用以下属性初始化脚本:

private Inverse3 inverse3;

[Range(0, 800)]
public float stiffness = 300f;
[Range(0, 3)]
public float damping = 1f;

private Vector3 _ballPosition;
private float _ballRadius;
private float _cursorRadius;

只有当光标穿透球体时,力的计算才会发生,从而模拟触摸具有确定刚度和阻尼的实物的感觉。 力的计算 ForceCalculation 方法将负责这一工作,同时考虑光标的位置和速度:

private Vector3 ForceCalculation(Vector3 cursorPosition, Vector3 cursorVelocity, float cursorRadius,
Vector3 otherPosition, float otherRadius)
var force = Vector3.zero;

var distanceVector = cursorPosition - otherPosition;
var distance = distanceVector.magnitude;
var penetration = otherRadius + cursorRadius - distance;

if (penetration > 0)
// Normalize the distance vector to get the direction of the force
var normal = distanceVector.normalized;

// Calculate the force based on penetration
force = normal * penetration * stiffness;

// Apply damping based on the cursor velocity
force -= cursorVelocity * damping;

return force;

private void OnDeviceStateChanged(Inverse3 device)
// Calculate the ball force
var force = ForceCalculation(device.CursorLocalPosition, device.CursorLocalVelocity,
_cursorRadius, _ballPosition, _ballRadius);


Awake 方法,初始化 _ballPosition, _ballRadius_cursorRadius 来设置场景数据:

private void SaveSceneData()
var t = transform;
_ballPosition = t.position;
_ballRadius = t.lossyScale.x / 2f;

_cursorRadius = inverse3.Cursor.Model.transform.lossyScale.x / 2f;

private void Awake()

确保注册和取消注册 OnDeviceStateChanged 中的回调 OnEnableOnDisable 方法,以正确处理交互过程中的力反馈:

protected void OnEnable()
inverse3.DeviceStateChanged += OnDeviceStateChanged;

protected void OnDisable()
inverse3.DeviceStateChanged -= OnDeviceStateChanged;


按住Inverse3 光标,进入 "播放 "模式并尝试触摸球体。 您应该能够感受到球体的存在,并通过 Unity 检查器操作其刚度和阻尼属性,从而获得与虚拟对象进行交互的真实感。



本示例的完整场景和所有相关文件均可从 Unity 软件包管理器中的教程示例中导入。


* Copyright 2024 Haply Robotics Inc. All rights reserved.

using Haply.Inverse.Unity;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Haply.Samples.Tutorials._2_BasicForceFeedback
public class SphereForceFeedback : MonoBehaviour
// must assign in inspector
public Inverse3 inverse3;

[Range(0, 800)]
// Stiffness of the force feedback.
public float stiffness = 300f;

[Range(0, 3)]
public float damping = 1f;

private Vector3 _ballPosition;
private float _ballRadius;
private float _cursorRadius;

/// <summary>
/// Stores the cursor and sphere transform data for access by the haptic thread.
/// </summary>
private void SaveSceneData()
var t = transform;
_ballPosition = t.position;
_ballRadius = t.lossyScale.x / 2f;

_cursorRadius = inverse3.Cursor.Model.transform.lossyScale.x / 2f;

/// <summary>
/// Saves the initial scene data cache.
/// </summary>
private void Awake()

/// <summary>
/// Subscribes to the DeviceStateChanged event.
/// </summary>
private void OnEnable()
inverse3.DeviceStateChanged += OnDeviceStateChanged;

/// <summary>
/// Unsubscribes from the DeviceStateChanged event.
/// </summary>
private void OnDisable()
inverse3.DeviceStateChanged -= OnDeviceStateChanged;

/// <summary>
/// Calculates the force based on the cursor's position and another sphere position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cursorPosition">The position of the cursor.</param>
/// <param name="cursorVelocity">The velocity of the cursor.</param>
/// <param name="cursorRadius">The radius of the cursor.</param>
/// <param name="otherPosition">The position of the other sphere (e.g., ball).</param>
/// <param name="otherRadius">The radius of the other sphere.</param>
/// <returns>The calculated force vector.</returns>
private Vector3 ForceCalculation(Vector3 cursorPosition, Vector3 cursorVelocity, float cursorRadius,
Vector3 otherPosition, float otherRadius)
var force = Vector3.zero;

var distanceVector = cursorPosition - otherPosition;
var distance = distanceVector.magnitude;
var penetration = otherRadius + cursorRadius - distance;

if (penetration > 0)
// Normalize the distance vector to get the direction of the force
var normal = distanceVector.normalized;

// Calculate the force based on penetration
force = normal * penetration * stiffness;

// Apply damping based on the cursor velocity
force -= cursorVelocity * damping;

return force;

/// <summary>
/// Event handler that calculates and send the force to the device when the cursor's position changes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="device">The Inverse3 device instance.</param>
private void OnDeviceStateChanged(Inverse3 device)
// Calculate the ball force
var force = ForceCalculation(device.CursorLocalPosition, device.CursorLocalVelocity,
_cursorRadius, _ballPosition, _ballRadius);
